5 Lessons for the Youth of Today

Learn, Experiment, Analyze, Repeat

Swanand Kadam
3 min readDec 25, 2019


If you want to improve your life, start from pushups. Fitness teaches unknown things about our capabilities. It does seem the hardest thing to do when you are a beginner. Your schedule doesn’t match, you get tired quickly, the vibe of the gym doesn’t suit you and most importantly you don’t see any results. But not seeing the results shouldn’t be the reason to stop going to the gym. It’s just a part of the process. Most of us rely on YouTube videos or our fitness trainer for workout and diet-related knowledge. But Are you sure about the truth supporting that knowledge? The confidence generated from the accumulation of bad information is the worst thing that we will ever do to ourselves. Learn about the first principles in fitness by yourself. How fat is stored? How does protein help build muscle? Create your own strategy before taking a big step. Learn, Experiment, Analyze, Repeat.


What is the molecular formula of water? H2O. What do you think that is, information or knowledge? Our current education system relies heavily on information but we shouldn’t expect them to spoon-feed us. Knowledge is treasured where information is questioned. Everything that exists today needed thousands of years of constant innovation. Focus on knowledge, not information. For knowledge, you have to question every block of information that you possess. Start from Why!


You should be always careful about what you consume especially when it’s a business for someone. Whatever you see, listen on that white screen is perfectly orchestrated in some headquarters.

If you are going to YouTube to learn about programming but instead wasted 30 minutes watching a celebrity controversy, you have something which needs fixing. Entertainment should be like a lonely but a chaotic planet in the universe. No one wants to go there but they have the best chocolate in this universe, so no one can resist either. That planet will constantly lure you towards it. Your job is to pause and think about chocolate, not about the planet.


Ask anyone in their twenties about their passion, most of them will go straight blank. I have experienced how confusing it is to find and work on your passion or get a job or just cross fingers and hope for the best. Passion doesn’t work the way we think it does. It’s like a maze. We keep on looking for the solution to get out of the maze. Sometimes, if you are the luckiest person on the planet you might find it in one shot but off course you wouldn’t value it. Finding passion is a work of discipline, curiosity, and consistency. Build a balanced recipe of these three to witness the miracles happening.


How much do you remember of what happened 3 years ago? We don’t even know some things about ourselves, what chances are that society is keeping a log of our actions! Consider anyone in your building, Do you really care about what they are wearing, what they are eating or anything at all. What day wear or eat isn’t going to affect your life.

If you think someone might judge you or point out your mistakes, what we are doing is just judging ourselves in a loop. We keep on drawing boundaries around us, no is doing that for us.

How would you live if no one laughed at you? How would you live if you don’t belong to any culture? How would you live if you are the only person on earth?

